
We didn’t grow up in the shtetl or any tenements.

We are Modern Jews who hail from the new New York — the city where Yemeni bodega owners speak a shtickl Yiddish and where the best bagels are nowadays produced by Puerto Ricans, pastrami on rye by Dominicans.

We were raised by our Moms and Dads and Larry David.

We speak more Spanglish than Hebrew and don J’s to Yom Kippur services.

We hold equal reverence for our faith and favorite ball players.

We proudly advocate for Racial Justice, LGBTQ+ Rights, and Environmentalism — all in keeping with tikkun olam, the Jewish practice of social action the seeks to heal the world.


as jews we come from a tradition of Tradition. and we have close to 6,000 years of recorded discipline to prove it.

as new yorkers we embrace the city’s multiculturalism and diversity, while still holding space for our own ethnic identity.

at shtick our mission is to celebrate our dual identities as both Jews and New Yorkers in a fun, fresh way. And you don’t need to be Jewish to partake: we are open to yentas (busybodies) and Yiddish enthusiasts alike.

so come sit with us... or don’t. there’s no guilt here, we promise.